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Russia fires over 100 missiles and nearly as many drones at Ukraine in one of its largest attacks

Russia fires over 100 missiles and nearly as many drones at Ukraine in one of its largest attacks President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)

Russia's attack on Ukraine on Monday, August 26, was one of the largest yet. Russia fired more than a hundred missiles of various types and about a hundred Shahed drones, according to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Ukraine is now handling the consequences of the Russian strike throughout its territory.

“And like most previous Russian strikes, this one is just as vile, targeting critical civilian infrastructure. Most of our regions, from Kharkiv and Kyiv to Odesa and our western regions, have been hit. Unfortunately, there are deaths,” the president said.

Zelenskyy adds that there are dozens of wounded, and all are being provided with the necessary assistance.

“There is a lot of damage in the energy sector. But wherever there is a power outage, restoration is already underway. Repair teams will work around the clock. We will restore electricity,” the president said.

Massive shelling of Ukraine

Russia has once again launched a large-scale air attack on Ukraine. It launched drones and dozens of Kinzhal missiles at night and in the morning. Earlier at night, ten Tu-95MS strategic bombers were reported to have taken off and enemy ships carrying Kalibr missiles were seen sailing into the Black Sea.

The attack led to power outages in several Ukrainian cities, which in turn caused water cutoffs in some regions. Due to these disruptions, the Kyiv subway has introduced traffic restrictions, as two of the three subway lines are operating with changes in routes.

All the details of the massive shelling are in the RBC-Ukraine report.