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Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summons Iranian charge d'affaires over possible missile supply to Russia

Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summons Iranian charge d'affaires over possible missile supply to Russia Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

On Monday, September 8, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the charge d'affaires of Iran in Ukraine, Shahriar Amouzegar. He was warned about the consequences if the information about Iran supplying ballistic missiles to Russia is confirmed, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the report, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed deep concern to Amouzegar regarding the reports of potential Iranian supply of ballistic missiles to Russia.

"The Iranian diplomat was presented with the relevant comment from the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated September 7 and was firmly warned that confirmation of Iran supplying ballistic weapons to the aggressor state would have devastating and irreversible consequences for Ukrainian-Iranian bilateral relations," the ministry stated.

What preceded

According to The Wall Street Journal, Russia received short-range ballistic missiles from Iran.

Iran denied the missile transfer to Russia at the UN. However, later Iranian MP Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani confirmed that Tehran had supplied missiles to Russia. He noted that this was part of a barter deal, with the other part of the agreement involving the supply of drones.

Today, the EU announced that it has received intelligence confirming Iran's supply of ballistic missiles to Russia.