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EU receives evidence regarding Iran's supply of ballistic missiles to Russia

EU receives evidence regarding Iran's supply of ballistic missiles to Russia Photo: EU spokesperson Peter Stano (Getty Images)

The European Union has received intelligence confirming that Iran is supplying ballistic missiles to Russia, states EU spokesperson Peter Stano.

Stano stated that there is reliable information from allies regarding the supply of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia.

He also noted that the EU may impose new sanctions on Iran if the missile supply is confirmed.

What preceded

According to The Wall Street Journal, Russia has received short-range ballistic missiles from Iran.

Ukraine has called on Iran to stop supporting the Russian army and warned that if the missile transfer is confirmed, it would have "devastating consequences" for bilateral relations.

Meanwhile, Iran denied the missile transfer to Russia at the UN. However, later, Iranian MP Ahmad Bakhshaei Ardestani confirmed that Tehran had supplied missiles to Russia. He noted that this was part of a barter deal, with the other part of the agreement involving the supply of drones.