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Ukrainian military destroy 3 Russian S-300s in Kherson region besides Triumph in Crimea on August 23

Ukrainian military destroy 3 Russian S-300s in Kherson region besides Triumph in Crimea on August 23 Photo: Natalia Humeniuk (Vladyslav Krasinskyi, RBC-Ukraine)

On Wednesday, not only was the Russian S-400 Triumph air defense missile system destroyed in Crimea but three more enemy S-300 launchers were either destroyed or damaged in the Kherson region, reports the Head of the United Coordinating Press Center of Security and Defense Forces of the South of Ukraine, Natalia Humeniuk, during a telethon.

She pointed out that the S-400 system is a powerful means of air defense, which the enemy is now deprived of. However, it is not the only means of defense for the occupiers.

"They (the Russians - Ed.) still have a lot of weapons that we will have to destroy. So, the cotton (explosions, ironically) season continues. We declared it when they were expecting the tourist season. And since the weather allows, we will continue to sow cotton," the spokesperson said.

Humeniuk added that it is too early to draw conclusions, as there is a lot of work ahead.

At the same time, she noted that the S-400 was not the only loss in the enemy's defense system in the past day.

"In our area of responsibility, we also worked on air defense means, and three S-300 launchers were destroyed and damaged. So, they can no longer be used either as a means of defense in Kherson or as an offensive weapon," she said.

Explosions in Crimea

Yesterday morning in Olenivka, in western Crimea, about 7 explosions occurred, and a thick cloud of smoke rose.

A source from RBC-Ukraine in one of the intelligence agencies reported that the strike hit a Russian military unit.

Later, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported the destruction of the S-400 Triumph complex in Crimea.