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Ukrainian Forces disrupt Russian offensive plans with HIMARS and drones

Ukrainian Forces disrupt Russian offensive plans with HIMARS and drones Photo: HIMARS destroyed a concentration of Russian troops at the front (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Ukrainian military disrupted Russian preparations for an assault in one of the directions. Drones and HIMARS were used for this purpose, according to the Unmanned Systems Forces Telegram channel.

As it was reported, operators of the 14th Separate Regiment of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, together with the HIMARS team, conducted a successful operation to destroy a significant number of enemy personnel in one of the key directions. It is noted that these units were accumulating forces to prepare assault operations on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The professionalism of the UAV Force operators and their equipment with modern means form a technological advantage that allows us to effectively defeat the enemy not only on the front line but also in the deep rear, changing the course of hostilities and bringing our victory closer," the video is captioned.

HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) is a US-developed, highly mobile rocket artillery system. It can fire various types of missiles, including guided and unguided, which ensures high accuracy in hitting targets at long ranges.

The mobility of HIMARS is a key feature, as it is mounted on a truck chassis, allowing for rapid repositioning. This system is widely used in modern conflicts, including in Ukraine.

Use of HIMARS in the war

Recently, Special Operations Forces personnel reported that they had destroyed several bridges and Russian pontoon crossings in the Kursk region using HIMARS strikes.

In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian defenders used HIMARS to hit a rare Russian counter-battery radar system.

Earlier, in the Zaporizhzhia direction, fighters from the Ukrainian Defence Intelligence active operations unit, in coordination with HIMARS operators, detected and destroyed a launch unit of the Tor air defense missile system.