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Ukrainian defenders hit rare Russian counter-battery radar using HIMARS

Ukrainian defenders hit rare Russian counter-battery radar using HIMARS Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukrainian defenders, using HIMARS, struck a rare Russian counter-battery radar station. This occurred behind enemy lines on the Donetsk front, according to the head of the Ukrainian President's Office, Andriy Yermak.

According to Yermak, the radar station in question is the 1K148 Yastreb-AV.

As seen in the video, the occupiers' equipment was located in a field. Ukrainian defenders spotted it from the air and destroyed it with a precise strike from the HIMARS rocket artillery system.

Destruction of Russian equipment

Today, Ukrainian military forces shot down a Russian Su-25 fighter jet in the Pokrovsk direction, which was operating in tandem with another similar aircraft and attempting to attack Defense Forces positions.

Earlier, border guards demonstrated how they intercepted and destroyed a hostile Zala drone in the air using an FPV drone.