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Ukrainian Armed Forces report on Russian losses in the Tavria sector

Ukrainian Armed Forces report on Russian losses in the Tavria sector Ukrainian military (Photo: Getty Images)

The Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminate almost two companies of Russian invaders in the Tavria sector, writes Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, Commander of the Tavria Operational and Strategic Group of Troops.

"Defense forces continue to eliminate Russians in the Tavria sector. Over the past day, enemy losses in killed and wounded amounted to almost two companies", informs Tarnavsky in his Telegram channel.

It is also noted that 20 units of enemy military equipment were destroyed.

In particular:

  • tank;
  • 5 armored combat vehicles;
  • 4 howitzers 2A65 "Msta-B";
  • 2 guns 2A36 "Giatsint-B" (Hyacinth);
  • unmanned aerial vehicle "Supercam";
  • UAV "Orlan-30";
  • automotive equipment.

Commander of the Tavria operational and strategic group of troops added that 3 enemy ammunition depots were also destroyed.

Russia's losses in the war against Ukraine

Over the past day, Ukrainian defenders eliminated 660 Russian invaders. In total, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 242,620 troops of the Russian Armed Forces.

Ukrainian defenders also fired mortars at Russian positions in the Bakhmut sector. As a result of the successful attack, some occupiers were destroyed.