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Ukraine's NATO invitation depends on next US administration - French Defense Minister

Ukraine's NATO invitation depends on next US administration - French Defense Minister French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu (photo: Getty Images)

The question of inviting Ukraine to join NATO depends on the kind of administration in the United States. As for France, it is not against our country becoming part of the bloc, states French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu.

“It all depends on which administration is in the White House. In France, we don't mind in principle. But we also have to be innovative,” Lecornu said.

He clarified that if a ceasefire is achieved one day, it cannot be said that Russia will not attack again. Therefore, it is necessary to find means to achieve a lasting peace.

The minister was also asked what he thought of the victory plan recently presented by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In response, Lecornu emphasized that some aspects are interesting and deserve to be worked on and documented.

According to the French minister, first of all, the plan shows that Ukraine is preparing for possible negotiations, and “our task is to help it sit down at the negotiating table with a favorable balance of power.”

“We have to keep in mind one question: what security guarantees can we offer Ukraine? Of course, this is NATO membership, but we can also do everything possible to help Ukraine build a strong army capable of deterring Russia in the long run,” he added.

Yesterday, Le Monde reported that the United States no longer opposes Ukraine's invitation to join NATO. In turn, the change in the US position may further influence Germany's opinion.