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Ukraine may have used Neptun missile to strike Russian warehouses in Mariupol - Defense Express

Ukraine may have used Neptun missile to strike Russian warehouses in Mariupol - Defense Express Photo: Ukraine may have struck Russian warehouses in Mariupol with a Neptun cruise missile (facebook_com/

Ukraine may have used Neptun missiles to strike Russian warehouses located near the temporarily occupied Mariupol, Defense Express informs.

According to the media outlet, the fact that the Ukrainian Navy reported the destruction of targets suggests that Ukrainian cruise missiles, specifically Neptun missiles, were used. The strike was carried out on a target located less than 100 km from the front line.

Defense Express believes that if Neptun missiles were indeed used, it indicates two things. First, the use of Neptun missiles suggests that Ukraine has increased their production. Second, it likely points to a shortage of cruise missiles such as Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG or ATACMS in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

What preceded

Recently, media reports indicated that a strike was carried out on an air defense missile depot near Mariupol. Later, Mariupol Mayor's advisor Petro Andriushchenko stated that there was a confirmed hit on a warehouse with munitions and missiles for air defense systems in the village of Hlyboke.

On Tuesday, September 17, the Navy confirmed that a missile strike had been conducted on Russian ammunition depots near Mariupol.

Use of Neptun missiles by Ukraine

Earlier, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported the use of Neptun missiles against targets in Russia. Specifically, the Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked an oil terminal in the port area of Kavkaz in Russia's Krasnodar Krai.

In the spring of this year, Ukrainian forces used the Neptun missile system to attack Konstantin Olshansky large landing ship, which the Russians intended to use for strikes on Ukrainian territory.