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Ukrainian Naval forces destroy Russian ammunition depots near Mariupol

Ukrainian Naval forces destroy Russian ammunition depots near Mariupol Illustrative photo: Naval forces destroyed Russian ammunition depots near Mariupol (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Units of the Ukrainian Naval Forces launched a missile strike on Russian ammunition depots. These depots were located near the temporarily occupied city of Mariupol, according to the Ukrainian Naval Forces.

"According to confirmed data, the strike destroyed both the storage infrastructure and tons of ammunition that the occupiers had accumulated for use in Ukraine," the statement said.

It was noted that the Ukrainian Naval Forces cooperated with other Defense Forces units. They continue to eliminate the enemy.

Морські сили знищили російські склади з боєприпасами поблизу Маріуполя


Last week, the media reported that a strike was carried out on an air defense missile depot near Mariupol. According to Mariupol mayor’s advisor Petro Andriushchenko, a confirmed hit was made on a depot containing ammunition and missiles for air defense systems in the village of Hlyboke.

Explosions in Mariupol

The Russian forces occupied the city of Mariupol in February 2022, using a tactic of bombing and starvation. Since the start of the occupation, Mariupol has become a military base for Russian forces.

However, the Ukrainian Armed Forces periodically strike Russian military positions in Mariupol. Notably, explosions were heard in Mariupol and its surroundings on September 11.