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Ukraine Defense Minister highlights priorities at Ramstein meeting with Zelenskyy present

Ukraine Defense Minister highlights priorities at Ramstein meeting with Zelenskyy present Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umerov (

The 24th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in the Ramstein format has officially started in Germany. Ukraine has outlined several key defense priorities.

According to Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, the focus of today's meeting is to secure air defense systems and missiles for Ukraine.

Ukraine's priorities also include artillery ammunition and equipment for brigades. Umerov highlighted the importance of enhancing Ukraine's long-range capabilities, including through support and funding for Ukraine’s defense industry.

Today, September 6, marks the 24th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, which is being held at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy attends it. Prior to the meeting, he addressed over 50 defense ministers from allied countries.

Zelenskyy's address to partners

In his speech to allies, President Zelenskyy commented on the Ukrainian military's operations in the Kursk region, noting that Russia has lost 6,000 soldiers there in the past month.

He also said that thanks to the efforts of Ukrainian forces, there is currently no threat of a Russian offensive on Sumy.

The US Secretary of Defense informed on a new $250 million aid package for Ukraine, which is expected to be formally announced today by US President Joe Biden.