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UK stops Ukraine from using Storm Shadow missiles against Russia - Reason revealed

UK stops Ukraine from using Storm Shadow missiles against Russia - Reason revealed Storm Shadow missile (photo: Getty Images)

Britain has not allowed Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles to strike Russian territory, as the consent of some NATO countries is required, reports The Times.

The newspaper notes that the British government's policy on the use of donated weapons by the Ukrainian Armed Forces has become very confusing. So confusing that even Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy felt embarrassed at a meeting with the new British Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, this month.

In particular, Starmer declared his readiness to ease restrictions on the use of British Storm Shadow missiles by Ukraine. However, the British Ministry of Defense later stated that it had not actually given such permission.

This is because before making such a decision, Britain had to coordinate it with France. The Times' sources explained that France, together with Britain, produces this type of missile and is an important NATO ally.

In this regard, the UK cannot make decisions unilaterally on issues that could help escalate the conflict with Russia. It is not yet clear whether there are legal grounds for obtaining permission from France and other allies.

According to one of the sources of The Times, Britain has already sent requests to its allies and is waiting for a response before discussing this issue with Ukraine.

On the night of July 27 and in the morning of the same day, drones from the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence Service attacked an oil refinery and three military airfields in Russia. The attack at the Olenya airfield damaged a Tu-22M3 bomber.

RBC-Ukraine's intelligence sources also reported that Ukrainian intelligence had downed three helicopters in Russia. One of them was destroyed on the territory of the Russian Defense Ministry airfield.