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UK on F-16s in Ukraine: 'Pivotal moment' in fight against Putin and his Su-35s

UK on F-16s in Ukraine: 'Pivotal moment' in fight against Putin and his Su-35s Photo: Former British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The F-16 fighter jets that have arrived in Ukraine "mark a pivotal moment" in the fight against Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Su-35 aircraft, according to former British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps.

According to him, the first Ukrainian F-16 pilots completed their fighter jet training back in March of this year.

"Britain and allies must continue to do everything we can to support Ukraine’s battle for the skies," stated Shapps.

F-16 fighters for Ukraine

Several countries committed to providing Ukraine with over 60 F-16 fighter jets back in 2023.

At the end of July this year, media reports suggested that some F-16s had already arrived in Ukraine. Later, The Telegraph reported that the Ukrainian Air Force had allegedly used the F-16s for air defense purposes.

For more details on whether the F-16s have already been delivered to Ukraine and how they might be used, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.