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F-16s used in Ukraine's air defense - The Telegraph

F-16s used in Ukraine's air defense - The Telegraph Illustrative photo: Ukraine received F-16s and used them to defend its skies (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine has already received a small batch of F-16 fighters. They have already been used as air defense, according to The Telegraph.

According to the agency, citing a source in the Air Force, Ukraine has completed its first combat missions with F-16s after the long-awaited arrival of the fighters.

The military aircraft have so far been used only as “air defense.”

What preceded it

Today, Bloomberg reported that a small but unspecified number of F-16s had been delivered to Kyiv. After that, a photo began circulating on social media, allegedly showing an F-16 in the sky over Ukraine.

Kyiv has not officially confirmed the receipt of the fighter jets. The United States also refused to comment on the transfer of F-16s to Ukraine.