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UK intelligence: Russia deploys more forces to Kursk region after sudden offensive

UK intelligence: Russia deploys more forces to Kursk region after sudden offensive Photo: Russia deployed more forces in Kursk region after the Ukrainian offensive (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russia has deployed more forces in the Kursk region after Ukraine's unexpected offensive. Russia has likely moved troops from other areas of the front, according to the British Ministry of Defense.

As noted in the report, since August 6, Ukrainian troops have advanced 10-25 kilometers into the Kursk region, and the front is 40 kilometers long.

The British Ministry of Defense notes that although Russia had established defensive lines and had border forces in the Kursk region, its troops were not ready to respond to the assault forces of several battalions.

"After initial disarray and disorganization, Russian forces have deployed in greater force to the region, including likely from elsewhere along the contact line," the report states.

British intelligence says that the Russian forces have begun to build additional defensive positions in an attempt to prevent the Ukrainian Defense Forces from advancing.

Ukraine's operation in the Kursk region

Ukrainian troops launched an offensive in the Kursk region on August 6. The Ukrainian Armed Forces advanced in the Russian border areas and took control of at least 82 settlements.

There were reports that the Russian army was deploying additional forces to the Kursk region to deter the Ukrainian offensive. The Ukrainian military reports that Russia is deploying forces from some areas, but these are reserves and rear units.

In the Kursk region, special forces of the Security Service of Ukraine captured 102 Russian soldiers at a time. Among the prisoners are soldiers from the 488th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment and Kadyrov's Akhmat unit.

Read more about how Ukraine's operation in the Kursk region can force Russia to speed up the exchange of prisoners in the material by RBC-Ukraine.