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UK intelligence describes danger of Iranian missiles transferred to Russia

UK intelligence describes danger of Iranian missiles transferred to Russia Photo: Iran has supplied Russia with Fath-360 missiles (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Iran has supplied Russia with Fath-360 short-range ballistic missiles. They are dangerous for the frontline cities of Ukraine, according to the UK Ministry of Defense.

As noted in the report, the Iranian Fath-360 (also known as BM-120), first publicly unveiled in 2020, can deliver a 150kg warhead to a range of 120km with a claimed accuracy of fewer than 30 meters. It can be deployed on a variety of road-mobile launchers, including one capable of launching up to six missiles.

According to UK intelligence, to date, Iranian military assistance to Russia in the war against Ukraine has included the supply of hundreds of kamikaze drones, artillery ammunition, and extensive support for the production of Russian drones. The supply of ballistic missiles is a further deepening of military relations between Iran and Russia.

"The supply of Iranian ballistic missiles will supplement and enhance Russia's ability to conduct precision strikes against Ukrainian military or civilian infrastructure targets close to front lines, whilst also enabling Russia to preserve more of its longer-range capabilities for use against targets deeper inside Ukraine," the UK Ministry of Defense says.

Iranian missiles

Iran has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia.

The delivery of the missiles was confirmed by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. He said that Russia is likely to use the Iranian ballistic missiles within a few weeks.

The US has already imposed sanctions on Iran for supplying ballistic missiles to Russia. The EU is also preparing sanctions against Iran.