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U.S. and Great Britain strengthen sanctions against HAMAS

U.S. and Great Britain strengthen sanctions against HAMAS U.S. and Britain intensified sanctions against HAMAS (photo: GettyImages)

The United States and the United Kingdom have imposed additional rounds of sanctions against individuals associated with the Palestinian militant group Hamas, according to Reuters.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury has stated that the sanctions target eight officials who promote Hamas's interests abroad and assist in managing its finances.

"Hamas continues to rely heavily on networks of well-placed officials and affiliates, exploiting seemingly permissive jurisdictions to direct fundraising campaigns for the group’s benefit and funneling those illicit proceeds to support its military activities in Gaza," said Brian Nelson, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence at the U.S. Treasury.

It is claimed that in coordinated actions, the UK Foreign Office announced that it has imposed sanctions on seven more individuals associated with Hamas. The restrictions of the United Kingdom are also aimed at the leader of the Palestinian group "Islamic Jihad," which supports Hamas.

"Today's sanctions will continue to cut off their access to finance and further isolate them. Hamas has no future in Gaza," said UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron.

Sanctions against Hamas

On October 27, the United States imposed a second round of sanctions against key individuals and financial networks associated with Hamas.

The previous round of U.S. sanctions against Hamas was introduced on October 18. At that time, restrictions were imposed on ten key members of Hamas and financial intermediaries in Gaza and other locations, including Sudan, Turkey, Algeria, and Qatar.

Japan has also imposed sanctions against Hamas. Tokyo froze the assets of individuals linked to the group.