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Tough restrictions imposed in 20-km zone along border in Sumy region

Tough restrictions imposed in 20-km zone along border in Sumy region Photo: combat operations in the Sumy region (Getty Images)

New restrictions for civilians are set to be implemented in the Sumy region due to increased combat activity and heightened operations by Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups. This decision was made by military command, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Restrictions on the movement of all citizens have been introduced in the 20-kilometer border zone of the Sumy region. These measures are aimed at protecting the lives of both civilians and military personnel.

Access to the specified area will be permitted only with a Ukrainian passport bearing the appropriate registration mark for residence in this zone.

The General Staff urges citizens to understand and comply with these temporary restrictions, as they are necessary for ensuring safety and protection from potential threats posed by Russia.

These measures are temporary and will remain in place until the situation in the region stabilizes.

Current situation in the Sumy region

Recently, combat activity in the region has increased, which is attributed to the Armed Forces of Ukraine's operation operations in Russia's Kursk region. Yesterday, the Sumy Regional Military Administration warned citizens about an increase in Russian airstrikes. Evacuation efforts are ongoing in the region, with around 20,000 people needing to be relocated from particularly hazardous zones.

Earlier, RBС-Ukraine reported on new Russian bombs used by the aggressor in the Sumy region.