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Russian shelling of Sumy region: Military adminstration warns of intensification of attacks

Russian shelling of Sumy region: Military adminstration warns of intensification of attacks Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian forces have intensified airstrikes against the Sumy region, with the frequency of attacks reaching up to 50 guided aerial bombs (GABs) per day, citing Volodymyr Artiukh, head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration.

"Shelling, air raids—their intensity has significantly increased today compared to June and July. We are now witnessing an increase in airstrikes, with the use of guided aerial bombs (GABs)...," Artiukh said.

The head of the administration added that shelling is the main characteristic of the current situation in the region. Specifically, the intensity of strikes remains at a level of 40 to 50 GABs per day, targeting border communities.

"As of today, we have several options and methods for evacuation. Last July, we announced the evacuation of 115 settlements within a 5-kilometer zone. This evacuation is ongoing. Additionally, we have announced both mandatory and forced evacuations, particularly for families with children in the Seredyna-Buda and Velykopysarivka communities," he added.

Evacuation in Sumy region

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Sumy region has been regularly subjected to Russian shelling. As a result, forced evacuations have been announced in several settlements across the region.

On August 7, Artiukh said that mandatory evacuations would be conducted in 23 settlements across five communities in the Sumy district. According to preliminary estimates, around 20,000 people need to be transported to safer areas as part of the evacuation efforts.