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Russian army uses new aerial bombs for strikes on Sumy region: What is their special feature

Russian army uses new aerial bombs for strikes on Sumy region: What is their special feature Illustrative photo: Russian army launched new aerial bombs at Sumy region (Getty Images)

Russian forces today, August 9, used new aerial bombs for strikes on the territory of the Sumy region. These bombs have a longer range than standard KABs (guided aerial bombs), according to a statement by the head of Sumy Regional Military Administration, Volodymyr Artyukh.

He mentioned that since 7:30 this morning, the enemy has launched 24 aerial bombs at Sumy region, with changes in the munitions they are using.

"Previously, they used simple KABs that glided and struck populated areas and infrastructure objects. Now, new guided munitions have appeared. They are similar to KABs but have a motor. This bomb flies much farther, twice as far, and more accurately," the official noted.

According to him, today the Russian forces released 11 of these new bombs on the territory of the Sumy region.

Artyukh clarified that the methods of countering such weapons are the same as for KABs: primarily, it is necessary to intercept the carrier aircraft. The use of electronic warfare systems, which are in the arsenal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, is also possible.

What preceded

On June 27, it was reported that the Russian army had started using FAB-500 aerial bombs with a guidance and correction module for strikes on Kharkiv.

These bombs were launched from Su-34 bombers and traveled a distance of about 65 kilometers before hitting their targets.

A few days later, a similar aerial bombing strike on the city was repeated.

The enemy also used similar bombs for strikes in the Donetsk region.

According to experts, the Russian forces targeted Kharkiv with a rare version of the FAB-500T, which can fly farther than the standard version. More details about this weapon can be found in RBC-Ukraine's report.