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The Netherlands handed over mobile field hospital to Ukraine

The Netherlands handed over mobile field hospital to Ukraine Photo: The Netherlands handed over a mobile field hospital to Ukraine (GettyImages)

The Netherlands has handed over a mobile field hospital to the border guards, according to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

According to the border guards, the hospital is capable of functioning in low temperatures.

"The main feature of the hospital is its adaptation for operation in low temperatures. The complex includes: an operating block, intensive care units designed for 36 beds, and a module for the staff," wrote the border guards.

The hospital will head to the east of Ukraine. Medical professionals will save the lives of wounded soldiers in it.

Assistance from the Netherlands to Ukraine

As we mentioned earlier, within the framework of the first aid package to Ukraine for 2024, the Netherlands allocated 102 million euros for humanitarian aid and urgent needs. This amount is part of the overall assistance package of over 2 billion euros that the Netherlands is ready to provide to Ukraine.

Also, on December 22, 2023, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced that the government of the country had decided to prepare the first 18 F-16 fighter jets for dispatch to Ukraine.

At the end of November, the Netherlands announced plans to provide additional assistance of 2.5 billion euros in 2024 to support Ukraine.