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Stoltenberg convenes NATO-Ukraine Council

Stoltenberg convenes NATO-Ukraine Council Photo: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is convening a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council at the ambassadorial level on Wednesday, August 28, according to Reuters.

It is noted that the meeting will be convened at the request of Kyiv. At the meeting, Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov is expected to address the allies and inform them of the needs of the Armed Forces.

"Tomorrow’s meeting comes after recent waves of heavy Russian strikes against Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure," said the NATO spokesperson Dakhlallah.

The NATO-Ukraine Council is a permanent body established to coordinate and develop cooperation between Ukraine and NATO. It was founded under the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership between Ukraine and NATO, signed in 1997. The primary mission of the Council is to ensure strategic dialogue between Ukraine and the Alliance, support reforms in Ukraine, coordinate efforts to strengthen security and defense and facilitate Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration

Large-scale shelling of Ukraine

On the night of August 26, 2024, the Russian army launched a massive attack on Ukraine's critical infrastructure, including the fuel and energy sector, using 127 missiles and 109 drones. Ukrainian air defense destroyed 102 missiles and 99 drones.

RBC-Ukraine wrote in detail about this attack and its consequences.

On the night of August 27, Ukraine again came under a combined enemy attack. This time, the Russian forces used 81 Shahed drones and 10 missiles of various types. Of these, the defenders of the sky shot down 60 drones and five cruise missiles.