State border guard service confirms end of border checkpoint blockade with Poland

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine confirms that this morning, on December 24, truck traffic through the Shehyni-Medyka border checkpoint with Poland has resumed. Polish farmers have lifted their blockade, according to the press service of the State Border Guard Service.
"Truck movement has resumed: Polish farmers have concluded their blockade in front of the Shehyni-Medyka checkpoint," according to the statement.
According to information from the State Border Guard Service and the Border Guard of the Republic of Poland, the protest action in front of the Shehyni-Medyka checkpoint ended today at 09:30.
Currently, the processing and passage of freight vehicles across the border into Ukraine are carried out in normal mode.
"Border guards, together with control service personnel, are working to ensure the passage of the maximum number of trucks," the State Border Guard Service adds.
Border guards also urge drivers to consider this information when planning international transportation.
Blockade at the Polish border
As a reminder, since November 6, Polish carriers have been blocking the movement of freight transport at the border with Ukraine.
The Polish side demands a ban on registering transport companies with foreign capital in Poland, as well as the resumption of issuing permits for entry into the EU for Ukrainian carriers and improvement of service at the border.
As a result, the movement of freight transport at the Ukrainian-Polish border has become complicated. The blockade has led to the formation of multi-kilometer queues of hundreds of trucks. There have also been reports of fatal incidents involving Ukrainian truck drivers waiting to cross the border.
However, it has recently been announced that Ukrainian and Polish officials have agreed on an action plan to unblock checkpoints at the border. Polish representatives have expressed their intention to lift the blockade by the end of the year.