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Spain has trained more than 5,000 Ukrainian soldiers - Ministry of Defense

Spain has trained more than 5,000 Ukrainian soldiers - Ministry of Defense Photo: Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Since the fall of 2022, Spain has trained more than 5,000 Ukrainian soldiers as part of the EU mission, stated Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles during a meeting with Ukrainian military personnel undergoing training in Toledo.

Robles emphasized that "Spain's solidarity, support, and commitment to Ukraine remain unwavering, as they have been since the beginning of the Russian invasion."

She also reminded of the brutality of this war, "especially these days when the Ukrainian civilians become victims of attacks that are unacceptable from any perspective, as they violate all norms of the laws of war and humanitarian law."

"Spain is sending everything we can within Spain's capabilities to Ukraine, and from the perspective of training, the Spanish military is extremely important. I am very proud of the work they do and grateful for it," stated the country's Defense Minister.

According to her, since the fall of 2022, Spain has trained over 5,000 Ukrainian soldiers. About 2,500 Spanish instructors have participated in the training.

Spanish assistance to Ukraine

It was previously reported that Spain has provided Ukraine with 600 million euros in military aid, including weapons, ammunition, communication and reconnaissance equipment, as well as medical supplies.

At the end of May, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that Spain would provide Ukraine with additional air defense systems.

In July, it was revealed that Spain had begun transferring a new batch of military aid to Ukraine. This includes 10 Leopard 2A4 battle tanks, several excavators, and a large number of anti-tank missiles.

Additionally, the Spanish Ministry of Defense announced that Madrid would transfer a new additional battery of Hawk air defense systems to Ukraine. The delivery of the system is scheduled for September.