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Security Service of Ukraine strikes Russian oil depot in Kursk region at night - General Staff

Security Service of Ukraine strikes Russian oil depot in Kursk region at night - General Staff Illustrative photo: Security Service of Ukraine struck an oil depot in the Kursk region (

The Security Service of Ukraine attacked a Russian oil depot in the Kursk region tonight, July 30. A fire was reported, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to the General Staff, the oil depot Logistics Center No. 43, located in the village of Vozy in the Kursk region, was hit.

"According to intelligence, a fire broke out at the enemy facility as a result of the attack," the military specified.

The strike was carried out by the Security Service of Ukraine in coordination with other components of the Defense Forces.

More detailed information about the consequences of the strike is still being clarified.

What preceded

It should be noted that earlier today, July 30, explosions were reported in the Kursk region. Local residents complained about "flashes in the sky."

Russian media, citing the regional governor Alexei Smirnov, reported that "four Ukrainian rockets were allegedly destroyed in the sky over the Kursk region."

Additionally, on July 29, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirmed an attack on several electrical substations in the Kursk region, which were responsible for railway operations.