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Security guarantee agreements will not replace Ukraine's NATO membership - UK Ambassador

Security guarantee agreements will not replace Ukraine's NATO membership - UK Ambassador British Ambassador to Ukraine Martin Harris (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Security guarantee agreements made with partner countries cannot replace Ukraine's NATO membership. They only bring NATO membership closer, according to British Ambassador to Ukraine Martin Harris in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

"It is stated in our treaty with Ukraine that this treaty is a pathway to NATO membership. It is not an alternative to NATO. I believe that the guarantee Ukraine should have is Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty," Harris said.

According to him, by implementing the security agreement, the UK can be confident that this will bring Ukraine closer to NATO membership.

The ambassador also mentioned that the agreement specifies that the UK will support Ukraine in the long term.

"Currently, we are the first country to provide all the funding for this. So, our position now is that we will give three billion pounds annually for Ukraine's defense until 2030, and as long as it is needed. Through this treaty, we also have financial resources that can ensure our cooperation, strengthen the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and all the capabilities important for Ukraine's future integration into NATO," Harris added.

The British ambassador also described it as "a real plan with funding and a treaty that is currently benefiting Ukraine."

Ukraine’s NATO membership

Ukraine had hoped to receive an official invitation to join NATO at the NATO summit in Washington held in July this year, but that did not happen.

However, NATO has repeatedly stated that it keeps its "doors open" for Ukraine. Allies have hinted that Ukraine would not be able to join the Alliance until the war is over.

Recently, during a conversation with journalists, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy mentioned a consensus among most NATO countries regarding an invitation for Ukraine to the bloc.

However, he noted a restrained position from a few countries, with skepticism, particularly from Germany, though he believes that Berlin’s stance is influenced by the United States.

Meanwhile, the United States has said that NATO is currently not ready to offer Ukraine membership in the Alliance.