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Scholz comments on rumors about Taurus missile transfer to Ukraine

Scholz comments on rumors about Taurus missile transfer to Ukraine Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated that there are currently no new decisions regarding the transfer of Taurus missiles to Ukraine, according to his statement during debates on the German TV channel N-TV.

"There is no new state of affairs to report on this matter. We are still focused on supplying weapons for air defense, heavy artillery, and tanks," Scholz said.

According to him, Germany will continue to cooperate with partners on the issue of military assistance to Ukraine.

Taurus Missiles for Ukraine

Ukraine reportedly requested long-range Taurus cruise missiles from Germany with a range of up to 500 kilometers. However, Germany rejected the request.

German media reported that Berlin might soon announce the transfer of Taurus missiles. However, negotiations with the United States are currently ongoing.

Additionally, according to the publication Spiegel, Olaf Scholz wants to make technical modifications to the missiles to prevent strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Russian territory, but this does not concern the territory of occupied Crimea.

Meanwhile, criticism of Scholz continues in the Bundestag due to his refusal to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles.