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Satellite images capture vessel that may have delivered Iranian missiles to Russia - Sky News

Satellite images capture vessel that may have delivered Iranian missiles to Russia - Sky News Photo: Iranian Fath-360 missiles (

Satellite images have captured a cargo ship under the Russian flag suspected of transporting ballistic missiles from Iran to Russia. It docked in the port of the aggressor country a week ago, Sky News reports.

According to a Ukrainian source, the vessel Port Olya 3 transported 225 short-range ballistic missiles across the Caspian Sea to Russia for use in the war in Ukraine.

The source stated that the ship arrived at the Russian port on September 4.

Satellite images capture vessel that may have delivered Iranian missiles to Russia - Sky News

Satellite images capture vessel that may have delivered Iranian missiles to Russia - Sky News

Satellite images analyzed by the Sky News team show the vessel docked at Port Olya near Astrakhan on that day.

Two days later, another satellite image reveals that the vessel had left the port.

Супутникові знімки зафіксували судно, яке могло доставити в РФ іранські ракети, - Sky News

Tracking data shows that the Port Olya 3 was in the Iranian port of Amirabad just six days earlier, on August 29.

The Ukrainian source reported that upon arrival in Russia, the Fatah-360 ballistic missiles were loaded onto a large cargo train. Their subsequent destination is unknown.

It is noted that limited available tracking data indicates that Port Olya 3 regularly travels between Iran and Russia.

Iran has transferred ballistic missiles to Russia

Recently, Western media reported that Russia received short-range ballistic missiles from Iran.

In the past few days, the EU confirmed that it has received intelligence data verifying the supply of ballistic missiles from Iran to Russia.

Yesterday, the US State Department confirmed that Russia had received ballistic missiles from Iran. They are likely to be used against Ukraine in the coming weeks.