ua en ru

Russians hit Sumy region again: Wounded reported

Russians hit Sumy region again: Wounded reported Photo: the occupiers hit the Sumy district on September 8, there are wounded (Getty Images)

Russian forces launched another attack on the Sumy region on September 8, marking the second assault of the day, informs the Sumy Regional Military Administration.

"Today, September 8, the enemy carried out an airstrike on settlements in the Sumy region. Preliminary reports indicate there are injuries," the statement reads.

All necessary services are on site, and medical assistance is being provided to the injured.

"The consequences of the enemy attack are being clarified," the Regional Military Administration added.

Sumy shelling

Russian forces shelled the city of Sumy early on September 8, targeting a residential area.

Currently, there are reports of two fatalities — an elderly couple — and four injuries, including two children.

Reminder: Russia launched four Kh-59 missiles and over 20 Shahed drones at Ukraine on the night of September 8. Air defenses intercepted one missile and 15 drones.