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Russia fires Kh-59 missiles and over 20 drones at Ukraine: Air defense response

Russia fires Kh-59 missiles and over 20 drones at Ukraine: Air defense response Photo: Air defense shot down one Kh-59 missile and 15 Russian drones during the Russian attack on September 8 (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Russia launched four Kh-59 missiles and over 20 Shahed drones at Ukraine on the night of September 8. Air defenses shot down one missile and 15 Russian drones, according to the Ukrainian Air Force.

On the night of September 8, the occupiers launched four Kh-59 guided aerial missiles from Belgorod Oblast and 23 Shahed drones, with launch areas in Kursk and Chauda, according to the report.

How air defense performed

The air raid was countered by the Ukrainian Defense Forces' surface-to-air missile troops, mobile fire groups, and electronic warfare units.

"During the air battle, one Kh-59 guided aerial missile and 15 Shahed drones were shot down," the Air Force noted.

Additionally, two enemy drones were lost due to electronic warfare impacts. Three Kh-59 missiles also failed to reach their intended targets due to active countermeasures by Ukrainian Defense Forces.

Air defense operations took place in Odesa, Kharkiv, and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

Russian strikes on Ukraine

Russian forces attack Ukraine nightly with kamikaze drones and missiles. The night of September 8 was no exception.

A notable feature of this attack was that Russian Shahed drones violated Romanian airspace.

Additionally, late on September 7, Russian forces attacked Poltava. Despite damage to civilian infrastructure, there were no casualties.

The occupiers also shelled Sumy, resulting in two deaths and four injuries, including two children.