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Shelling of Sumy: Two killed, children injured

Shelling of Sumy: Two killed, children injured Photo: two people died as a result of shelling in Sumy on September 8 (

As a result of the shelling of the city of Sumy on September 8, two people were killed and four others injured. Children are among the wounded, according to the Sumy Regional Prosecutor's Office.

According to the investigation, on September 8, around 4:00 a.m., the enemy carried out airstrikes on a residential area in Sumy, using methods of warfare prohibited by international law.

"As a result of the attack, a married couple, aged 79 and 77, were killed in their home. Four others were injured, including a 2-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy," the prosecutor's office reported.

Shelling of Sumy: Two killed, children injured

Consequences of the shelling of Sumy on September 8 (

Shelling of Sumy: Two killed, children injured

Consequences of the shelling of Sumy on September 8 (

Shelling of Sumy: Two killed, children injured

Consequences of the shelling of Sumy on September 8 (

One house was destroyed, and at least 20 private homes and four vehicles were damaged.

Shelling of Sumy

On the night of September 8, explosions were heard in Sumy. The military had warned of the threat of drone attacks and strikes from guided aerial bombs.

By morning, explosions were heard again in Sumy as Russians attacked the city. It was later reported that the shelling had resulted in casualties and injuries.