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Russia struck Sumy: Fatalities and wounded reported

Russia struck Sumy: Fatalities and wounded reported Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Explosions were heard twice overnight on September 8 in Sumy as Russia launched attacks on Ukrainian territory using strike drones and guided aerial bombs, according to Suspilne and Ukrainian Air Force.

The first explosion occurred around 11:30 p.m. on September 7.

Earlier, at 10:44 p.m., Ukraine's Air Force had reported launches of guided aerial bombs (KAB) in the Sumy region. By 10:52 p.m., there were warnings of enemy tactical aviation activity in the eastern and southern directions, with the threat of aerial weaponry being deployed.

A second round of explosions was heard in Sumy around 4:05 a.m.

Updated at 05:20: As a result of an airstrike, two people have been killed and four others, including two children, have been injured, according to the Sumy Regional Military Administration.

Private homes and vehicles have been damaged.

All necessary services are working to address the aftermath of the attack, and the injured are receiving the required medical assistance.

Росія вдарила по Сумах: є загиблі й поранені

Росія вдарила по Сумах: є загиблі й поранені

Росія вдарила по Сумах: є загиблі й поранені

On September 3, the Russian army launched an airstrike on Sumy, targeting a university building using a guided aerial bomb (KAB).

According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, there is currently no immediate threat of a Russian offensive on Sumy. This threat has been averted because of the actions of Ukrainian forces, particularly in Russia’s Kursk region.

Earlier, he emphasized that Ukrainian forces would hold positions in the Kursk region until Russian President Vladimir Putin sits down for negotiations.