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Russians attack energy facility in Sumy region, killing one and injuring seven

Russians attack energy facility in Sumy region, killing one and injuring seven Photo: the Russian Federation attacked an energy facility in the Sumy region on September 14, there is a dead and injured (illustration/ s dnipropetrovskaODA)

Russia attacked an energy facility in the Sumy region on the night of September 14. One worker was killed and seven others were injured, reports the Ministry of Energy.

"In the Sumy region, the shelling of an energy facility damaged equipment and shelters, and several substations were left without power. The attack resulted in the death of a 54-year-old driver," the statement says.

Additionally, seven workers were injured and hospitalized.

According to the Ministry of Energy, over the past 24 hours, civilian energy infrastructure in the Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, and Chernihiv regions has been targeted by enemy shelling.

Shelling in Sumy region

In recent weeks, the occupiers have intensified shelling in the Sumy region. On September 13 alone, Russia dropped bombs on Yampil, killing two people, injuring a child, and hitting Okhtyrka.

Moreover, on September 12, Russian forces heavily attacked Konotop, injuring 14 people. The city has faced severe power issues, with specialists describing the situation as critical following the attack. One of the injured from the Konotop shelling died in hospital on September 13.