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Russian massive strike on Konotop severely damages energy and civilian infrastructure

Russian massive strike on Konotop severely damages energy and civilian infrastructure Photo: Russia massively attacked Konotop (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On the night of September 12, Russia massively shelled the town of Konotop in the Sumy region. Energy facilities were attacked, and the situation with electricity is critical.

Read all about the consequences of the Russian shelling of Konotop in the RBC-Ukraine report.


Since the evening of September 11, the Ukrainian Air Force has been reporting the movement of Russian attack drones, in particular, the movement of Shaheds towards the Sumy region.

In total, Russia fired 64 kamikaze drones and five missiles of various types (two Iskander-M ballistic missiles, one Kh-59 aircraft, and two Kh-22/32 cruise missiles) at Ukraine that night. Ukrainian air defense forces destroyed 44 Russian drones. Another 3 drones flew to Russia and 4 were lost locally on the territory of Ukraine. Combat operations are still ongoing.

The authorities of the Sumy region reported a massive Russian attack on Konotop after 4 a.m. According to the mayor of the city and the district administration, Russia carried out a massive air strike with Shaheds.

Severe destruction

The Russians hit energy and civilian infrastructure with drones. In particular, seven apartment buildings, a private house, a medical and educational institution, cars, a garage co-operative, a shop, and a banking institution were damaged.

As of this morning, 14 people have been reported injured in Konotop. Most of the injured sustained shrapnel wounds. At least two men were hospitalized, one of them in critical condition (coma). According to the mayor, the man was on his way to rescue people after the Russian attack and came under fire.

Hospitals in Konotop are open, and surgeons are treating victims as usual.

In addition, the city has a difficult situation with electricity. Mayor Artem Semenikhin said that water would be supplied to Konotop on an hourly basis. There are also reports of communication problems due to the blackout.

Russians destroyed a section of the tramway in the city center. Tram traffic has been restricted.

Electricity situation is critical

After the Russian shelling, the mayor said that the situation with electricity in Konotop was critical. The energy infrastructure has been heavily damaged.

According to him, it is impossible to predict when the power supply will be restored. Semenikhin said there was a lack of funds to restore water supply to homes.

"We have a city council session today. I do not know where we will find the money. We need to urgently allocate funds for the inspection of the technical condition of the buildings... I don't have the money to buy diesel fuel, to provide people with sufficient water," the mayor of Konotop told Kyiv24 TV channel.

Konotop after Russian shelling

The Sumy Region Prosecutor's Office has opened a criminal case over the massive attack on Konotop (violation of the laws and customs of war - part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Police and rescuers also showed the consequences of the Russian shelling of Konotop.

According to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, there is one child among the victims in Konotop.

Russian strikes on other Ukrainian regions

Russia also tried to attack Kyiv last night. The Russians sent drones to the capital in several waves. Fortunately, Russian drones did not reach Kyiv, they were shot down on the outskirts.

A fire also broke out in the Khmelnytskyi region as a result of a Russian night attack. Ukrainian Air Defense Forces destroyed 10 Shaheds in the region. The shelling caused a fire in a warehouse where furniture products were stored.

Sources: Konotop Mayor Artem Semenikhin, Sumy Regional Military Administration, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Armed Forces of Ukraine, Office of the Prosecutor General, Konotop District State Administration, and State Emergency Service of Ukraine.