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Russian Su-24M destruction and Security Service's drone attack on Crimea - Tuesday brief

Russian Su-24M destruction and Security Service's drone attack on Crimea - Tuesday brief Photo: Collage by RBC-Ukraine

Yesterday, on December 5, 2023, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the Russian Su-24M bomber near Zmiinyi Island. Ukrainian special services also targeted a series of military objects in Crimea using drones.

RBC-Ukraine compiled the main news for December 5.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest news

Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy Russian Su-24M bomber near Zmiinyi Island

On December 5, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed the Russian Su-24M bomber in the area of Zmiinyi Island.

"It's been a while since we've had downed Russian Su in our achievements," the statement said.

Commander of the Ukrainian Air Force Oleshchuk says the Russian Su-24M bomber was destroyed near Zmiinyi Island while attempting to launch a missile and bomb strike on the south of the Odesa region under the cover of the Su-30SM fighter.

In a comment to RBC-Ukraine, spokesperson for the Ukrainian Navy, Dmytro Pletenchuk, said the aircraft laid mines to hinder the grain corridor.

Ukraine's Security Service targets Russian military sites in Crimea, sources confirm

Employees of Ukrainian special services today, on December 5, in the morning, launched drone strikes against a series of Russian military facilities in the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea, according to RBC-Ukraine's sources.

According to sources, drones from the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) struck: the Nebo-M radar system in the area of Bagerove, a helicopter parking area, the P-18 Terek radar system, and the command system for anti-aircraft missile units Baikal-1M near the settlement of Strilkove.

Also, the Security Service of Ukraine and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense attacked the oil depot in the occupied Feodosia, Crimea, on December 5. It is noted that the "Sea Oil Terminal" in Feodosia came under the attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Andriy Yusov stated that the Ukrainian strike on the Russian oil depot in the temporarily occupied Feodosia is a continuation of the process of demilitarizing Crimea.

Russian troops seize most of Maryinka's ruins - British intelligence

In recent weeks, Russian troops have been gradually advancing through the ruins of Maryinka, a city in the Donetsk region. Currently, Russia likely controls a significant portion of the built-up area.

As outlined in the summary, Ukrainian forces remain in control of pockets of territory on the western edge of the town.

Maryinka has been on the front line since 2014. With a pre-war population of 9000, it is comprehensively ruined– drone footage suggests that the vast majority of buildings have been reduced to rubble.

"Russia’s renewed efforts against Maryinka are part of Russia’s autumn offensive which is prioritising extending Russia’s control over the remaining parts of the Donetsk region – highly likely still one of the Kremlin’s core war aims," writes the U.K. Ministry of Defense.

EU unveils security guarantees details for Ukraine, highlighting nine priorities

Representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the European Union discussed long-term security guarantees for Ukraine on Tuesday, December 5.

Reportedly, representatives of the European External Action Service arrived in Kyiv to begin consultations on a security guarantee package for Ukraine on behalf of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

The areas of long-term EU assistance were presented by Charles Fries, Assistant Secretary-General for the Common Security and Defense Policy of the European External Action Service, during talks with the Ukrainian delegation headed by Deputy Defense Minister Yurii Dzhyhyr.

The package for Ukraine includes nine priorities for future EU security commitments to Ukraine:

  • assistance with military hardware and equipment;
  • training of the Ukrainian military;
  • cooperation with the Ukrainian defense industry;
  • countering cyber and hybrid threats;
  • assistance in demining;
  • implementation of reforms related to the E.U. accession process;
  • strengthening the ability to control weapons stockpiles;
  • support for nuclear security efforts;
  • intelligence sharing, including satellite imagery.

Fries also emphasizes that the E.U. "is trying to ensure that assistance to Ukraine is provided as quickly as it is needed."

U.S. aid to Ukraine: House Speaker issues ultimatum to White House

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Mike Johnson threatens to withdraw support for new aid funding to Ukraine if the White House does not agree to strengthen border security.

In particular, Johnson's statement is outlined in a letter to the Director of the United States Office of Management and Budget (part of the Executive Office of the President) Shalanda Young.

The Speaker does not specify the measures he wants to achieve regarding border protection, but he mentions the border security law. This document includes the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico and restrictions on the ability of asylum seekers to stay in the United States. These are proposals opposed by Democrats and the administration of President Joe Biden.