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Russian strike on Pavlohrad results in 50 casualties so far

Russian strike on Pavlohrad results in 50 casualties so far Photo: 50 injured in Pavlohrad due to Russian shelling (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Pavlohrad has 50 victims of the Russian attack on September 6. The youngest of them is 4 years old, according to the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration, Serhii Lysak, and the Ukrainian Air Force.

"There are already 50 victims," Lysak writes.

According to him, the oldest is 86 years old, the youngest is 4.

"Everyone is being provided with the necessary assistance. Local houses were damaged. The consequences are still being clarified," adds the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration.

Russia struck Pavlohrad with ballistic missiles

On September 6, around 10 a.m., Russians launched a missile attack on the civilian infrastructure of Pavlohrad, Dnipropetrovsk region.

"5 Iskander-M/KN-23 ballistic missiles from Voronezh and Rostov regions were used. Unfortunately, there are victims. We urge you not to ignore the air raid alert!" the Ukrainian Air Force says.

Russian attack on Pavlohrad

Russian troops shelled Pavlohrad on September 6. Explosions were heard in the city. Later, after the Ukrainian military reported high-speed targets in the direction of the city and the threat of ballistic missiles, the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration reported that 5 people were injured in the attack on Pavlohrad and there was destruction.

Then, the number of people injured in Pavlohrad due to the Russian attack increased sharply - from 5 to 18 people, and the first casualty was reported.

After that, the numbers continued to grow again - 30 people were injured, and later 40 people were reported injured in Pavlohrad due to Russian shelling. At least three of them were children.