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Russian strike on Pavlohrad: Number of victims continues to grow, including children

Russian strike on Pavlohrad: Number of victims continues to grow, including children Photo: 40 injured in Pavlohrad due to Russian shelling on September 6 (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

There are already 40 injured in Pavlohrad after Russian shelling on September 6. Among them are three children, according to the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration, Serhii Lysak, and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

"30 injured in Pavlohrad. 3 of them are children. In addition to a 9-year-old girl, boys aged 11 and 4 were injured in the Russian rocket attack on the city," Lysak says.

According to the head of the Regional Military Administration, 2 of the people in the hospital are seriously injured.

"Doctors are doing everything to save them," he says.

Consequences of the Russian shelling of Pavlohrad (

40 injured

Later, the number of victims in Pavlohrad increased significantly again.

"The number of victims has increased to 40 people." the SESU says.

Russian shelling of Pavlohrad

A few hours earlier, explosions were reported in Pavlohrad, Dnipropetrovsk region.

The region was on alert due to the threat of Russian ballistic missiles. In particular, the Russians struck Pavlohratd with two high-speed missiles.

Later, the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration reported that the Russians had attacked Pavlohrad, with 5 wounded and destruction reported. Later, it became known that one person was killed in Pavlohrad and 18 others were injured, including a child, due to Russian shelling. Fires broke out in the city.