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Russian missile attack on Sumy: 18 injured, including 6 children

Russian missile attack on Sumy: 18 injured, including 6 children Photo: firefighters and rescuers (illustrative photo by dsns)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

After the evening Russian shelling of Sumy on September 1, rescuers continued to eliminate the consequences of the Russian missile attack. The number of victims has increased, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Russian missile attack on Sumy: 18 injured, including 6 children

According to preliminary information, there are 18 victims, including 6 children.

The Russian strike damaged the premises where the Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children and an orphanage were located. In addition, 6 more apartment buildings were damaged.

Rescuers quickly eliminated the fire.

Photo: National Police of Ukraine

Russian strike on Sumy on September 1

On the evening of September 1, Russia launched a missile attack on the city of Sumy and hit a building of an educational institution. The Sumy Regional Military Administration reported that it was located in a residential neighborhood of the city.

Rescuers were eliminating the consequences of the Russian shelling all night. The number of victims was growing. Overnight, 13 people were reported wounded, including 4 children.

Russia constantly shells the Sumy region. Yesterday afternoon, Russia carried out an air strike on the infrastructure of the Sumy community.

On August 31, Russian troops attacked a convoy of grain carriers in the Sumy region. As a result of the attack, a 23-year-old truck driver was killed and 4 other drivers were injured. Earlier, on August 30, Russians launched an air strike on Sumy, killing 2 people and injuring 13.