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Russian strike on Sumy: Four children injured, aftermath of shelling

Russian strike on Sumy: Four children injured, aftermath of shelling Photo: aftermath of the attack on Sumy on September 1 (
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

In the city of Sumy, a Russian missile strike on civilian infrastructure late on September 1 resulted in 13 casualties, including four children. The attack caused significant damage to an educational facility and several apartment buildings, according to Sumy Main Regional Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine.

On the night of September 2, law enforcement authorities reported the consequences of the hostile strike on Sumy.

"Thirteen people were injured in the attack, including four children. The educational facility and at least five apartment buildings sustained damage," the police stated.

Earlier reports indicated that two of the injured were children from an educational institution housing a child social and psychological rehabilitation center and an orphanage.

The National Police of Ukraine also reported that officers are documenting yet another war crime committed by Russia.

"All relevant services are working at the scene, and residents of the damaged buildings are receiving necessary assistance," the police added.

A criminal investigation has been launched under Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which covers "Violation of the laws and customs of war," following the latest attack on civilian targets in Sumy.

Additionally, the Sumy Regional Police Department released photos showing the aftermath of the Russian shelling of Sumy.

Russian strike on Sumy: Four children injured, aftermath of shelling

Consequences of the attack on Sumy on the evening of September 1 (photo:

Russian strike on Sumy: Four children injured, aftermath of shelling

Consequences of the attack on Sumy on the evening of September 1 (photo:

Russian strike on Sumy: Four children injured, aftermath of shelling

Consequences of the attack on Sumy on the evening of September 1 (photo:

Russian strike on Sumy: Four children injured, aftermath of shelling

Consequences of the attack on Sumy on the evening of September 1 (photo:


On the evening of September 1, news emerged about a Russian missile strike on the city of Sumy, targeting an educational facility.

The Sumy Regional Military Administration later clarified that the building hit by the Russian missile is located within a residential neighborhood of the city.

Subsequent reports indicated that among the injured were a 7-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl.

The Sumy City Council later confirmed that the number of casualties had risen to 13. Four individuals were hospitalized, four received medical assistance on-site, and five are being treated on an outpatient basis.