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Russian military build two pontoon crossings over Seym River in Kursk region

Russian military build two pontoon crossings over Seym River in Kursk region Photo: One of the destroyed bridges in the Kursk region (t_me_astrapress)

Russian military forces managed to build two pontoon crossings over the Seym River in the Kursk region. Recently, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed two bridges there, according to the Telegram channel Radio Svoboda.

In the published images taken on August 17, it is visible that the Russian forces have built a crossing east of the village of Zvannoye. Previously, a similar crossing was reported to have been constructed east of the village of Glushkovo.

It is worth noting that the Russian army began constructing these crossings after Ukrainian strikes on bridges in the area. They may be intended to provide Russian forces with escape routes in case of a successful Ukrainian offensive.

Росіяни збудували дві понтонні переправи через річку Сейм у Курській області

Ukrainian Armed Forces' offensive in the Kursk region

It's important to note that the Ukrainian Armed Forces' offensive in the Kursk region began on August 6, 2024. Since then, Ukraine has taken control of around 82 settlements and captured thousands of Russian soldiers.

According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian military plans to create a buffer zone in the Kursk region, with Ukraine's primary goal being the destruction of Russian potential and conducting counteroffensive operations.

During this time, Ukrainian aviation destroyed two bridges over the Seym River, which are strategic logistical arteries. For detailed information on how the destruction of these bridges will impact events in the Kursk region, read the RBC-Ukraine material.

In the RBC-Ukraine material, you can also read about whether the Kursk breakthrough could extend to the Belgorod region.

Additionally, we explained why Ukraine needs a commandant's office in the Kursk region and how long the Ukrainian Armed Forces might stay there.