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Zelensky spoke about Syrskyi's report: We did well in all areas

Zelensky spoke about Syrskyi's report: We did well in all areas Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo:

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi reported on the situation at the front today. Ukrainian troops are showing good results in all sectors, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“Chief commander Syrskyi has just reported. On the situation in eastern Ukraine, on the operation in Kursk region, on the “exchange fund”, on equipping our brigades - equipping our reserves: these are both shells and weapons. Our guys are doing a great job in all areas,” the president emphasized.

According to Zelenskyy, today there are “good and necessary results in the destruction of Russian equipment near Toretsk,” and Ukraine's main task today is to destroy as much of Russia's potential as possible and to conduct maximum counterattack work. This, as the President added, also applies to the creation of a “buffer zone” through the operation in the Kursk region.

“Anything that causes losses to the Russian army, the Russian state, their defense, and their economy - all this helps us prevent the expansion of the war and bring a just end to this aggression. A just peace for Ukraine,” he added.

The situation at the front

As reported by the General Staff today, the Ukrainian military repelled a powerful Russian attack on Toretsk. Ukrainian soldiers destroyed 10 pieces of enemy equipment and neutralized nearly 70 Russian occupants, more than half of them irretrievably.

The Toretsk and Pokrovsk sectors remain consistently the hottest areas of the Ukrainian front. At the same time, Ukrainian troops are conducting an operation in the enemy's territory - in the Kursk region. The town of Sudzha and hundreds of square kilometers of Russian territory are currently under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In particular, today the marines of the 501st separate battalion showed a video from the Russian village of Apanasivka.