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Russian massive strike on Zhytomyr region: Killed and injured reported

Russian massive strike on Zhytomyr region: Killed and injured reported Photo: One killed and one wounded in Zhytomyr region as a result of a massive Russian attack (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

A woman was killed in a massive Russian attack in the Zhytomyr region on August 26. Three more people were injured, according to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

“In the Zhytomyr region, as a result of a Russian massive attack, one person was preliminarily killed and three others were injured,” the report says.

According to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, it is preliminarily known that a woman was killed.

The attack damaged residential buildings and critical infrastructure in the region.

Rescuers are involved in eliminating the consequences of the Russian massive attack.

Photo: consequences of the Russian attack in Zhytomyr region (

Russian shelling of Ukraine on August 26

Today, Russia launched a large-scale air attack on Ukraine. The Russians fired over a hundred missiles of various types and about a hundred Shahed kamikaze drones.

At night, ten Tu-95MS strategic bombers were reported to have taken off and Russian ships with Kaliber missiles were reported to have entered the Black Sea.

Russian attack caused power outages in many regions of Ukraine.

In some regions of Ukraine, water cutoffs have also begun amid power supply problems.

Read more about the consequences of the Russian massive shelling of Ukraine in RBC-Ukraine's report.