ua en ru

Russian forces strike Zaporizhzhia: Destroyed buildings and casualties reported

Russian forces strike Zaporizhzhia: Destroyed buildings and casualties reported Consequences of the Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia on October 10 (photo:

On the morning of October 10, after an air raid alert was issued due to the launch of guided bombs in Zaporizhzhia, explosions were heard, according to the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, Ivan Fedorov.

"In Zaporizhzhia, private houses have been destroyed, and there are casualties. These are the consequences of the morning attack by the Russian forces on the region," Fedorov wrote.

As of now, there are reports of two injured individuals. Medical personnel are assisting them.

Росіяни вдарили по Запоріжжю: зруйновано будинки, є постраждалі

Consequences of the Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia on October 10 (photo:

Росіяни вдарили по Запоріжжю: зруйновано будинки, є постраждаліConsequences of the Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia on October 10 (photo:

On the night of October 10, Russia attacked Ukrainian territory with strike drones. Explosions were heard in Kharkiv, while air defense forces were active in the Kyiv region.

At the same time, on the night of October 10, drones attacked the military airfield Khanskaya near the village of Khanskaya in Russia, close to Maykop.