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Drones attack Russian military airfield Khanskaya in Adygea

Drones attack Russian military airfield Khanskaya in Adygea Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

On the night of October 10, drones attacked the military airfield Khanskaya near the village of Khanskaya in Russia, close to Maykop, reports the Telegram channel Astra.

According to the channel, the Khanskaya military airfield is located 3 kilometers east of the village of Khanskaya and 6 kilometers northwest of the city of Maykop.

Open data indicates that it is home to the 272nd Training Aviation Base, named after the Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov, which is part of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov.

Citing NASA's fire monitoring system, the channel reports that a fire has been detected near the airfield.

Дрони атакували російський військовий аеродром "Ханська" в Адигеї, - росЗМІ

Drones attack Russian military airfield Khanskaya (photo: Telegram channel Astra)

Дрони атакували російський військовий аеродром "Ханська" в Адигеї, - росЗМІ

Drones attack Russian military airfield Khanskaya (photo: Telegram channel Astra)

Дрони атакували російський військовий аеродром "Ханська" в Адигеї, - росЗМІ

Drones attack Russian military airfield Khanskaya (photo: Telegram channel Astra)

On October 9, a fuel storage facility in temporarily occupied Feodosia was on fire for the third day following an attack by Ukraine's Defense Forces.