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Russian army attacks Dnipropetrovsk region: Casualties and damage reported

Russian army attacks Dnipropetrovsk region: Casualties and damage reported Photo: Russia shelled Pavlohrad in the Dnipropetrovsk region on September 6, with casualties (Getty Images)

On September 6, the Russian army shelled Pavlohrad in the Dnipropetrovsk region. There are casualties and damage, according to a Telegram post from Serhii Lysak, head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration.

"The enemy attacked Pavlohrad. Preliminary reports indicate at least 5 casualties. There have been damages as well," he said.

According to the regional administration head, the threat remains, hence the information blackout.

"Stay in shelters until the all-clear is given," Lysak advised.

Air Raid Alert in Ukraine

At 09:35 AM (Kyiv time), an air raid alert was declared in several regions: Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Sumy, and Donetsk. The military reported a threat of ballistic missiles.

Around 09:52 AM, residents of Pavlohrad in the Dnipropetrovsk region were advised to take shelter. There were reports of a fast-moving target heading towards Pavlohrad from the Donetsk region. Later, another fast-moving target was spotted in the Kharkiv region heading towards Pavlohrad. The alert in the Dnipropetrovsk region is still ongoing.

Росіяни атакували Павлоград: є постраждалі та руйнування

Alert in Ukraine at 10:49 AM (

Shelling of Dnipropetrovsk region

Russian forces continually shell the Dnipropetrovsk region. For example, on September 5, Russia attacked the Dnipropetrovsk region with a drone. A rescuer was injured during a subsequent shelling, along with colleagues.

Regarding Pavlohrad, the occupiers shelled the city on July 7 with a rocket.

In December 2023, during shelling in Pavlohrad district, a factory was damaged, and a church was also hit. At that time, 8 people were injured, and one person was killed.