Mortars for Ukraine: US expands manufacturing base

The United States of America is expanding and modernizing its mortar systems and shells production facilities, according to Shephard Media.
The report states that the US military and defense industry are increasing their capabilities and improving production of mortar systems and munitions. The war between Russia and Ukraine has heightened global demand for mortars.
"Recognizing the need to be prepared for large-scale munitions and system deliveries, the US is stepping up efforts to enhance its production capabilities," the article notes.
Increasing the production of mortars
The US Army and defense companies have recently announced investments in expanding and modernizing their facilities and production capabilities.
A 15-year modernization process is planned for part of the Army's Organic Industrial Base (OIB) at the Watervliet Arsenal in New York.
Weapons production will increase due to the war in Ukraine
Transnational company BAE Systems, headquartered in London, has also opened an office in Ukraine and plans to localize production in the country.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has identified defense and security funding as a top priority in the state budget for 2024.
Additionally, the Danish government is working on purchasing land for a former weapons factory, as ammunition is urgently needed in the short term for Ukraine.