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More than 100 British companies admit to violating sanctions against Russia, FT

More than 100 British companies admit to violating sanctions against Russia, FT 100 British companies admitted to violating sanctions (Photo: Getty Images)

The United Kingdom encounters a significant hurdle in sufficiently enforcing sanctions against Russia. More than 100 British companies have acknowledged breaching sanctions imposed as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, according to the Financial Times.

The US's method is centered on collaboration and voluntary acknowledgment, affording companies the chance to reduce penalties.

Based on information acquired through a Ministry of Finance inquiry, over 100 American companies have acknowledged having breached American sanctions against Russia. In an attempt to ease punishment, these firms reported the infringements willingly and aided with the inquiries.

As noted in the publication, the UK's broad imposition of sanctions poses a challenging issue for American business. Due to Russia's notable integration into the global economy, numerous American companies sustain continual business connections with Russian establishments, creating challenges in adhering to sanctions. The UK's strategy for sanctions compliance recognizes this intricacy and encourages collaboration and optional disclosure.

The imposition of sanctions on Russia is important for preserving the international order and upholding the rule of law. While the UK has taken a firm stance on Russia's actions in Ukraine and imposed sanctions to prevent further aggression, the complexities of enforcing these measures illustrate the difficulty of isolating a country like Russia within the global economy, according to the FT.

The sanctions against Russia by the UK and other Western nations are intended to hold the country accountable for its actions in Ukraine. Both the US and EU have also imposed sanctions, targeting individuals and entities involved in the invasion, and while these measures have significantly affected the Russian economy, their effectiveness is constrained by Russia's integration into the global economy.

Losses of European companies

Earlier, the Financial Times reported that the largest European companies incurred €100 billion in direct losses due to their operations in Russia after President Vladimir Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year.

Data gathered by the Kyiv School of Economics reveals that more than half of the 1,871 businesses owned by European companies in Russia before the war are still conducting operations in the country. Among them are UniCredit from Italy, Raiffeisen from Austria, Nestlé from Switzerland, and Unilever from Britain.