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MFA explains danger of rumors in media about Ukraine's readiness for concessions

MFA explains danger of rumors in media about Ukraine's readiness for concessions Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denied reports by foreign media about Ukraine's alleged readiness for territorial concessions to Russia. The ministry also emphasized the unacceptability of such concessions, according to the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

"This kind of statements are only perceived by the aggressor as a sign of weakness, giving it unjustified hope for success of its aggression and effectiveness of its ultimatums and blackmail," the statement reads.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that the only realistic path to restoring comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Ukraine has been and remains the peace formula. It is based on respect for the UN Charter and the imperative of fully restoring Ukraine's territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

The ministry also reminded that preparations for the second Peace Summit are underway, with thematic meetings already held on the points of the peace formula related to energy and food security, as well as the restoration of justice.

"Currently, all constructive peace efforts are aimed at the effective implementation of the Peace Formula. It should be emphasized that the Victory Plan presented by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Ukraine's partners is not a replacement for the Formula, but a practical tool for its implementation," the MFA added.

The ministry stressed that the principle of "no agreements about Ukraine without Ukraine" and the imperative of respecting international law and the UN Charter remain mandatory and unchanged for all. Ukraine will not accept any initiatives that violate these principles.

"We urge all states and international organisations, all leaders, politicians and public figures who respect the UN Charter, international law and the value of human life, to unite efforts to restore a real lasting and just peace, rather than feeding the aggressor's illusions and appetites," the MFA stated.

Media rumors regarding territorial concessions

Recently, the Financial Times reported that Ukraine and Western countries are allegedly discussing exchanging territory for NATO membership or security guarantees.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Heorhii Tykhyi, immediately denied this claim. According to him, the minister's position is that there can be no compromises regarding Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Meanwhile, the head of Ukraine's permanent delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Yehor Cherniev, explained in a comment to RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel that the aim of spreading such rumors might be to push Ukraine toward negotiations.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated today that Ukraine is not considering a ceasefire in exchange for guarantees from Western countries. In his view, such media rumors about concessions may be spread by Russia.