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Zelenskyy clarifies whether ceasefire talks are underway in exchange for Western guarantees

Zelenskyy clarifies whether ceasefire talks are underway in exchange for Western guarantees Photo: French President Emmanuel Macron and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine is not considering a ceasefire to obtain guarantees from the West. Russia may be spreading fake news about such concessions in the media, stated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after the meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron.

Rumors about a ceasefire

The head of the Ukrainian state was asked whether Ukraine is considering a ceasefire if it receives guarantees from Western countries.

"This is not a topic of our discussion with other allies, we didn't speak about it. I saw in the media something. Russia works a lot with media, with disinformation, so it's understandable," said the President.

Meeting with Macron

After negotiations with Macron, Zelenskyy emphasized his reliance on France's support, especially in light of equipment shortages.

In particular, the leaders discussed the approval for using certain long-range munitions. This is necessary for Ukraine, as drones are insufficient for long distances, Zelenskyy explained.

For his part, Macron revealed details of the meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart. According to him, there was a good exchange of views during the discussions.

"I would like to emphasize once again that France supports Ukraine's resistance to Russia's aggressive war. This is an important point, and it was also an important step for us that we were able to exchange views with the President about the upcoming weeks and months, both in terms of military and diplomatic efforts," the French leader added.

He assured that France continues to fulfill its commitments regarding both the provision of weapons and the training of Ukrainian soldiers.

Fake news about Ukraine

Earlier, the Financial Times, citing sources, reported that Ukraine and Western countries are allegedly discussing land exchanges for NATO membership or security guarantees.

Such fake has been repeatedly denied by Ukrainian officials. At the same time, the head of the Ukrainian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Yegor Chernev, explained in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine that the goal of spreading such rumors might be to push Ukraine towards negotiations.