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Ukrainian MP reveals possible motive behind media reports on Ukraine's willingness to cede territory

Ukrainian MP reveals possible motive behind media reports on Ukraine's willingness to cede territory Photo: Yehor Chernev, MP (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Reports in Western media claiming Ukraine is ready to cede territories for NATO membership are fake. These reports may be part of efforts to push Kyiv toward negotiations, stated Yegor Chernev, MP and head of Ukraine's permanent delegation to NATO's Parliamentary Assembly, in an interview with RBC-Ukraine's YouTube channel.

He commented on a recent Financial Times article, which, citing sources, claimed that Ukrainian officials were "increasingly inclined" to a scenario where Russia retains control over occupied territories while Ukraine gains NATO membership.

"Honestly, it's strange to see such reports right now, especially since our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denied that such negotiations are taking place. But I think this is a symptomatic situation, where we are being pushed toward negotiations on the international stage," Chernev said.

According to him, efforts to pressure Ukraine into negotiations are being carried out through various means. One of these is the ongoing restriction on using Western missiles for strikes deep inside Russia.

He emphasized that such negotiations could hardly be considered peaceful, as Ukraine is being forced to come to the negotiating table to discuss ceding territories.

At the same time, Chernev pointed out that media outlets are talking about Ukraine's NATO membership or related security guarantees. In his view, it's good that this issue is on the agenda, considering that just a few months ago, the US and Germany did not want to discuss Ukraine’s integration into NATO while the war continued.

"I now associate these changes, perhaps, with President Biden’s decision not to run for a second term, and with the understanding that he may want to go down in history with some kind of achievement, something he can say, 'I did that,’" the MP added.

For now, the language surrounding Ukraine's potential NATO status remains cautious.

"Frankly speaking, I don’t fully understand what status, apart from an invitation and membership, can exist. According to their formal bureaucratic requirements, all we need is the invitation, after which the certification process begins in parliaments," Chernev noted.


Recently, several reports have emerged in Western media alleging that Ukraine is discussing a deal with Russia in which part of its territory would remain under occupation.

For instance, the Financial Times reported that Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha, during the UN General Assembly, allegedly discussed territorial concessions to end the war.

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Heorhii Tykhyi swiftly dismissed these reports, stating that the Minister’s position is clear: there can be no compromises on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.